Lizzie 30th July 2017

This is what I put on my Facebook page today, and I'm posting it here at Heather's request: This has been a difficult weekend. We said goodbye to someone who was incredibly special, our friend Natalie. It was a beautiful service, absolutely befitting of the person she was, attended by so many people that even the standing room was packed solid. Everything about it was a perfect testimony to who she was. I knew that she was highly accomplished, but only during her funeral service did I discover exactly how much she had achieved in such a short time on this plane. She was immensely talented and gifted, but she was also funny, compassionate, thoughtful and kind. She loved, and was in turn loved by, so many people. For myself, I always held Nat in the highest regard, and whenever I was with her she sparkled and made me feel as young as her. In many ways she had a wise head on those incredibly young shoulders, and her soul was far, far older than her years, making it very easy to forget at times that she *was* so young. I will never forget her. I will always Speak Her Name with pride and love. I'll see you in the stars, wee Nat. Go in peace. xxx